It’s a good thing to be drunk on Sundays


It’s a good thing to be drunk on Sundays

It’s a good thing to be drunk on Sundays
because the cat is out of the house
and the car is fixed
for once the cold has missed this city
this month
the lamplights breathe, sigh
a gentle exhale
to the summer swells
smog and emissions
pool and swirl in the oilmist
on the maroon asphalt
grass that grows in the dark
and the neighbor’s light is broken and silent
my rest is calm in my easy chair
the woes have flown
out the window with the cat
and I know you will be home later.


© 2005 Anthony Sell
Originally published in “The Sound of Poetry” CD Poetry Collection & Hardbound Edition, International Library of Poetry, Howard Ely, Editor. Editor’s Choice Award.

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