Bugler Colorized
This is another photograph I found online and colorized as an exercise. The first thumbnail shows the black and white original image. The second image shows the first stage, where I have a color fill for each area of the photograph. The third thumbnail shows the stage after I began to layer colors, making a richer skin tone, the color and texture of the bugle, and deepening certain values.
For the final stage, I created a desaturation mask, that allowed me to selectively desaturate areas that were farther from the viewer, followed by an overall adjustment of the saturation, levels, temperature and contrast to give the photograph a more realistic look. This one took a lot of time because of the number of shapes in the image, there was a lot of masking involved.
Got Photos?
I offer photo retouching, restoration and image manipulation services for an hourly fee. If you have an image that is precious to you that you would like to have restored, send me a scan of the image and I can quote you an estimate. If you have an idea for a photo montage, or some other idea involving manipulating photos, contact me, I’d love to hear about it.
Just remember that although I can do an awful lot to improve an existing photo, but there are limits. Looking through the images below you will be able to see just what can be done. If an image is missing complete sections, it may not be possible to restore that. Likewise, if an exposure is too light or too dark, there may simply not be enough information to perform the restoration.
You can use the form on this page to contact me.