Sports Photography – Rugged Maniac Milwaukee/Chicago

Posted on August 12, 2014 in Blog Post, Professional Photo Portfolio, Sports Photography


I managed to get hooked up with Gameface Media last week, in time to work the Rugged Maniac Race in Wilmot, Wisconsin on Saturday. As one of 5-6 photographers for this event, I was stationed at the “Commando Crawl” obstacle portion of the race.


This race is essentially a series of obstacles that have to be negotiated as you make your way to the finish line. The event starts a new heat of 30-40 competitors every 15 minutes. We started shooting at 9am and were done by a little after 2pm. Over the course of the day I shot nearly 7500 images.






If you’ve ever run one of these obstacle courses, you’ll probably think that just getting through it is tough, but I have to say, it would have been easier to run the course than to sit and shoot for the entire day.


DSC_9063DSC_9098As photographers we were faced with many challenges. The sun was one, it was unforgiving and direct with no clouds. I got badly sunburned. The other was the pace of shooting. We had to try to get 2-3 photographs of every competitor as they wen through the obstacle. This was not always possible, particularly when 4-5 people entered it at the same time. Even seated with a monopod, this required constant focus, which is physically and mentally exhausting. There were no breaks for the first few heats, the competitors came one after the other. Then the pace began to slow as the day progressed.




In the obstacle that I was covering, the competitors had to make their way under barbed wire, across a muddy pit of water. The competitors got to the obstacle wearing bright and festive colored and with much complaining made their way through to leave a mud-stained mess. Fortunately on route to the next obstacle (the fire jump), they were hosed down with a fire hose. I suspect the organizers do this to insure they would be the least flammable when they jumped the flames.




Unfortunately at the event, someone walked off with my camera strap, a Black Rapid knockoff sling strap. I took it off my monopod and set it on my shoulder bag behind my chair. I’m just glad they didn’t try picking up my 2nd camera. That certainly won’t happen again.



Hey, if you are seeing this, you are on my old blog. Be sure to check out my new website with my updated Sports Portfolio here.