Fireworks – Take 2



Over the past four days I’ve shot three races including a night race, a 5K color run and a sprint triathlon, taught a private lesson, did a bunch of post-production and other computer work, and managed to squeeze in another chance to shoot fireworks. Productive, but not a lot of sleep.

I was told about the fireworks at the South Shore Follies held at the South Shore Marina on Milwaukee’s lakefront by one of my students. I know this place well, as I’ve done a lot of paintings there in the past. Apparently this event has been going on for over 67 years.

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Independence Day Madness



Something I’ve noticed many times now, the most stressful elements of being a photographer (or a plein air painter, for that matter), involve what it takes to get into position to take the shot. Shooting is the easy part, almost an after thought. The early rise, travel time, traffic headaches, packing and logistics, the mile-long hike through treacherous terrain carrying fragile gear to your location…not so much.

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