Portrait – The “Bruce Lee Kick”



This was the image that my client wanted to recreate.  A very famous photograph of Bruce Lee used on a poster.

This was the image that my client wanted to recreate. A very famous photograph of Bruce Lee used on a poster.

I was recently approached online by an elderly gentleman who wanted to have a picture of himself taken for his daughter. It was sort of a private joke between them, and he wanted to be photographed doing a flying kick, such as on a poster he brought in, of Bruce Lee.

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Event Photography – Dead Man’s Carnival New Year’s Eve Celebration



This December I was hired to do some event photography for the Dead Man’s Carnival New Year’s Eve celebration that took place at the Hot Water/Wherehouse bar in Milwaukee. This group puts on some of my favorite events to photograph, combining a steampunk/carnival type of atmosphere with games, side shows, music, acrobats, burlesque dancers, and other types of acts from all over the Midwest and other parts of the country. Some of these are truly amazing performers. Quite a way to bring in the new year.



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Real Estate Photography – 1930 E. North Avenue


I was hired by an out of state property owner to document the condition of a parking lot shared by an apartment complex, a bank and several businesses. The owner is in New York and wanted to plan renovations and planting that would be done later this year. He needed an exacting survey of the parking spots, painted arrows and lines, as well as the condition of the easements and the lot in general.




While not a very challenging assignment, the client requested some panorama shots, which was quite fun to do in Photoshop. This involved taking 10-12 images, panning about 180 degrees, then stitching these together to create a wide angle view. I also shot short video clips to help them get a sense of the space. All together I shot each individual parking space, details of the posts and painted elements, plus the panoramas.







Hey, if you are seeing this, you are on my old blog. Be sure to check out my new website with my updated Real Estate Photography Portfolio here.

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