Past Commission: Old St. Mary’s Parrish

Old St. Mary's Parrish

Old St. Mary’s Parrish
Commissioned Painting
11″ x 14″ Oil on Panel
© 2014 Anthony Sell – All Rights Reserved.


This was the reference photo I used for the painting.  I had a photo gig that morning on the East side of town.  I stopped by around 9am, and the church was largely backlit.  I decided a more monochromatic approach would be best for this piece.

This was the reference photo I used for the painting. I had a photo gig that morning on the East side of town. I stopped by around 9am, and the church was largely backlit. I decided a more monochromatic approach would be best for this piece.

This painting was requested via Craigslist. Apparently I beat out many other artists. The painting is a wedding anniversary gift for the patron’s wife. This is a nostalgia piece, capturing the church in which they were married.

After doing some reference photography, I suggested we set the clocks on the steeple to the time at which they were married. This was a well received idea. Just one more way to personalize a painting.

I opted to do this on a heavy canvas with a deep texture to the weave. I am sort of kicking myself for not doing this larger, as at 11″ x 14″ this was really pushing the limit of what sort of detail I could resolve. Some of these shapes are very tiny, and had to be painted and repainted. The hardest part was the texture, it just ate up the paint, which lends itself towards nice scumbling, but for fine architectural details, not so great. Either way, it took some time to get to the point of coverage, where the entire surface was covered, and I could begin to work into the paint. Ultimately the painting took 3 sessions, about 3-4 hours each session.

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Cedarburg Strawberry Festival

Cedarburg Strawberry Festival

Cedarburg Strawberry Festival
20″ x 10″ Oil on Panel
2nd Place – Paint the Festival Event
2013 Cedarburg Plein Air Painting Competition
This painting is available as a high quality Giclee Print.
Click on the image above to learn more.
© 2013 Anthony Sell – All Rights Reserved.

Print Available

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