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Alla Prima II: Everything I Know About Painting – and More (Expanded Edition)
by Richard Schmid
I cannot begin to describe how important this book is, nor how valuable the material offered has been to my career as an artist, and my development as a painter. This is quite simple the most important book I have read as an Artist, and I cannot strongly enough recommend this book.

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Richard Schmid Paints Landscapes: Creative Techniques in Oil
This was the first book by Richard Schmid that I was able to find, and although the black and white photographs were highly disappointing, many of the images in this book are in “The Landscapes” below. Much of the information included in this book is also included in “Alla Prima” however this is still a great resource for landscape painters.

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Richard Schmid Paints the Figure: Advanced Techniques in Oil
I found this book in the public library. In addition to general painting advice, there is a good amount of information in this book about dealing with the figure and portraiture.

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Richard Schmid: The Landscapes
While not an instructional, any landscape painter would do well to look through this book. Gloriously illustrated, this documents the long career of a master artist, who shares tidbits of information about each painting and some of his painting methods.
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