South Shore Pier

South Shore Marina - Milwaukee, WI

South Shore Pier
8″ x 8″ Oil on Panel
This painting is also available as a high quality Giclee Print.
Click on the image above for more information.
© 2013 Anthony Sell – All Rights Reserved.

Print Available

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How to Hang a Show.

How to hang an exhibition of paintings

Hanging an Exhibition of Paintings.

When I was in college, and shortly after, I did a lot of work with several galleries in the Third Ward. I worked for about three years as a preparator, and have installed dozens and dozens of shows in a variety of spaces, each presenting their own unique problems.

In order to discuss this topic, we have to use a lot of math. Fair warning: this is going to sound more complicated than it really is. To keep things straight, I will stick to a particular convention when referring to the dimensions of work, that being height by width. So if I speak about a painting that is 8″ x 10″ I am referring to a painting that is eight inches high by ten inches wide. A 10″ x 8″ painting would be 10 inches high by 8 inches wide, etc.

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New Site, New Look

It’s hard to believe that it’s been more than a year since my last blog post. I suppose FaceBook has something to do with that. Well, after my hosting company upgraded the version of PHP on my server, my old software did not work so well. I decided it was time for an upgrade.

It was also getting to be a chore updating both a portfolio website for my artwork and my design work, and a blog, and FaceBook, so I decided to combine these into a WordPress theme. I am still populating this blog with some of the more memorable of my old posts, and have to work out some bugs with the gallery plugin. I will be writing more now that the interface is more efficient, and I’ll also be adding some graphic treatments here and there, but this is predominantly what the new website will look like.

Please take note of the new Referral Program an Design proposal links above. Feel free to leave comments on anything you see here, if they’re elegant, I might just post them. Tell people about my work, and thanks for visiting.

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