German School of Fencing – Longsword: Part 1 – History
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In this session, we focus on disarming with the Tomahawk, taking some of the unique disarms available to this weapon and relating them to disarms we already know from the…
In this Session, we review the Zombie drills, work Tomahawk vs. Dagger, and introduce 3-Man Drills.
This session is a review of what was covered so far, and we introduce Zombie drills.
In this session we introduce Capa a Capa and Capa y Daga methods (Axe and Dagger). We also discuss how to adapt this weapon format to existing stick and knife…
This seminar footage is from a 6-Week workshop that we offered back in 2013. This was the same year that I taught Tomahawk skills at the Milwaukee Gathering. In this…
Whether it is because of traveling due to your job, injury and having to take time to mend, or because of conditions like those we are experiencing at the time…
Largo Mano is a way of saying "Long Range" and describes an aspect of training in which the priority is on evading and striking into the opponent's strikes as opposed…
Guro Inosanto is fond of saying that there are only ever two types of Disarms: Accidental disarms and Incidental disarms. Disarms are a byproduct of habit, we practice them in…