Roy Dean BJJ Seminar
A short portion of a long day of training, Roy Dean takes students through some interesting Triangle setups and details as well as some throwing techniques from Judo.
Online Training Academy for Martial Arts & Fitness
A short portion of a long day of training, Roy Dean takes students through some interesting Triangle setups and details as well as some throwing techniques from Judo.
These are my notes from the Combat Submission Wrestling Seminar with Sensei Erik Paulson held at the North Shore Academy in Libertyville, IL on June 10, 2006.
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For those looking to improve their mobility, and add some solo training drills to their home workouts, these are all excellent for what we do.
The Guard is a hallmark position in Brazilian Jiujitsu. Since the introduction of the Art, its development as a sport, and the widespread popularity of this form of competition, there… Part 1 Part 2
The question came up tonight as to what it takes to be a Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
This material is part Grappling Skills section of the Level 1 Curriculum. These represent the basic positions used in most forms of Grappling, but specific to Brazilian Jiujitsu. We will…