Vocabulary Lists

Vocabulary Lists

Because we train in so many different systems, and those systems come from cultures that speak a unique, or sometimes several unique languages, there are a lot of terms we use. We don’t put a great deal of emphasis on this, you will hear the terms often enough in class that you will get the gist. However, it would be useful to have a thorough reference in case you hear a term and are not sure what it means. We will be expanding this section over time.

One warning. Even within a given system, there will be vernacular terms (words that have a specific meaning within a given school, region, or community). Further, some systems use the same term to refer to entirely different things, and some systems will refer to the same concept with entirely different terms. Also, particularly in the Filipino systems, there will be really badly spelled Spanish terms. It is not uncommon to see phonetic spellings.

Shorthand Notation Guide

Jeet Kune Do (Cantonese) Vocabulary

Kali (Visayan/Tagalog/Spanish) Vocabulary

Doce Pares Eskrima Vocabulary

Panantukan Vocabulary

Silat (Indonesian/Sundanese) Vocabulary

Thai Boxing Vocabulary

Savate (French) Vocabulary

Judo/Jiujitsu (Japanese/Portuguese) Vocabulary

Aikido (Japanese) Vocabulary

Archery Vocabulary

HEMA (German) Vocabulary – Coming Soon!

HEMA (Italian) Vocabulary – Coming Soon!

Yoga (Sanskrit/Burmese) Vocabulary